command shows information about the currently visible
exits out of your room. Note that some exits may be hidden and will require you
to use your wits to discover them.
With change autoexits
you can set whether to
show (brief) exit information each time
you enter a room.
For both commands, the direction (north, east, …) will be surrounded by certain flags showing (a) door information and (b) terrain information.
Door information can be one of the following:
[...] A closed 'doorname' |
a closed door |
(...) (doorname) Room Name |
an open door |
#...# (doorname) Room Name |
a broken door |
{...} Room Name |
a portal |
/...\ Room Name |
an upward climb |
\.../ Room Name |
a downward climb |
Terrain information can be one of the following:
=...= - Room Name |
road leading that way |
-...- - Room Name |
trail leading that way |
~...~ - Room Name |
destination room requires swimming |
^...^ - Room Name |
outdoors room (Trolls only); does not show in thick fog |
*...* - Room Name |
sunlit room (Orcs and Trolls only); does not show in thick fog |
Flags from the two categories can be combined; e.g., =#up#=
is a
road leading through a broken door.
The autoexits mode will show information like this:
Exits: =(north)=, east, [west].
See also: | CHANGE, DOORS |
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:48 2025