This is the list of globally recognized commands in MUME,
except for the so called socials, which can be found in
help socials
The part of a command's name within parentheses can be left out.
Some objects, rooms and other circumstances may give you access to other commands.
! comm(ent) fo(llow) loc(k) ren(t) tea(ch) ' comp(are) fora(ge) m(ap) rep(ly) thro(w) , compl(ain) forw(ard) mar(k) repo(rt) ti(me) - con(sider) g(et) me(tamorph) resc(ue) tie ? coo(k) giv(e) men(d) rese(t) tr(ack) a(ssist) cov(er) gr(oup) mer(ge) ret(urn) trai(n) ab(andon) cru(sh) h(ide) mi(x) rev(eal) tro(phy) acco(unt) cut ha(ng) mil(k) ri(de) ty(po) ach(ievements) d(own) he(lp) min(e) rul(es) u(p) act(s) dec(apitate) her(blores) n(orth) s(outh) un(lock) al(ias) di(sengage) hin(ts) na(rrate) sa(y) unc(over) ask dic(tionary) his(tory) ne(ws) sad(dle) unk(eep) b(ackstab) dim hit o(pen) sc(ore) unloa(d) ban(dage) dism(ount) hol(d) of(fer) sca(lp) unm(ark) bans(ite) disma(ntle) i(nventory) or(der) scou(t) uns(addle) bas(h) dr(ink) id(ea) p(ut) se(ll) us(e) bee(p) dra(w) ig(nore) pi(ck) sea(rch) v(alue) blo(w) drag inf(o) po(ur) sh(oot) vi(ew) boa(rd) drai(n) j(ustice) poi(son) she(athe) w(est) bri(be) dro(p) k(ill) pr(actice) shou(t) wa(ke) bu(y) e(ast) ke(ep) pray sip wat(ch) bug eat kic(k) pro(tect) sit wea(r) bui(ld) ed(it) kn(ock) pul(l) sl(eep) weat(her) burn em(ote) l(ook) pur(sue) smo(ke) wh(o) burr(ow) embe(d) lab(el) pus(h) snea(k) whe(re) bury emp(ty) lag q(uests) snuf(f) whet but(cher) en(ter) le(ad) qua(ff) st(and) whi(sper) c(ast) eq(uipment) lear(n) qui stat whoi(s) cal(l) es(cape) leav(e) quit ste(al) wi(eld) cam(p) ex(its) lev(els) r(est) sug(gest) wr(ite) cat(chup) exa(mine) li(st) rea(d) sw(im) ye(ll) cha(nge) f(lee) lig(ht) reb(orn) t(ell) char(ge) faq lin(k) rec(ite) ta(ste) cl(ose) fi(ll) liste(n) reco(ver) tai(l) cli(mb) flu(sh) loa(d) rem(ove) tak(e)
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:47 2025