This is one of the 5 partial listings of the most commonly used
abbreviations in MUME. See
help abbreviation
for the
rest of the partial lists.
A | an Arata | a type of god |
A+ | an Arata or higher | gods! |
A/c | the Arata of Code | a god, Imago |
A/j | the Arata of Justice | a god |
A/m | the Arata of Mobiles | a god, Frór |
A/o | the Arata of Objects | a god, also Frór |
A/z | the Arata of Zones | a god, Timodeus |
ABR | Ancient Broken Road | a place |
adk | ancient dwarven key | an item |
ads | ancient dwarven shield | an item |
afaik | as far as I know | an expression |
afk | away from keyboard | an expression |
afw | away from window | an expression |
aka | also known as | an expression |
AoD | Axe of Durin | an item |
arth | shield of Arthedain | an item |
asap | as soon as possible | an expression |
atm | at the moment | an expression |
azure | an azure scroll | an item |
banded | a banded ring | an item |
b4 | before | an expression |
bb | the black buckler | an item |
bbl | be back later | an expression |
BBT | Bill, Bert, and Tom | some mobs, the place where they stand |
bc | because | an expression |
BCS | Bree Central Square | a place which is not At the Sign of the Prancing Pony |
bda | blackened dwarven axe | an item |
bej | a bejewelled shield | an item |
bhc | black, hooded cloak | an item |
bhb, bhsb | black horn short bow | an item |
black | a black scroll | an item |
blue | a blue scroll | an item |
BM | Blue Mountains | a place |
bms | a black metal staff | an item |
BN | Black Númenórean | a race of player |
BOB | Breath of Briskness | a spell |
bplate | breastplate | an item |
brb | be right back | an expression |
brd | black runed dagger | an item |
brt | be right there | an expression |
bs | to backstab | an action |
bs | broadsword | an item |
bs | bullsh** | an expression |
bsb | broad silver belt | an item |
btw | by the way | an expression |
bw | bloodwight | a mob |
bwb | brandywine bridge | a place |
bwf | black warg fur | an item |
CA | central Anduin | a place |
cbf | cavebear fur | an item |
CH | CryHavoc | an implementor |
char | a character | an expression |
chief | Chief of Tharbad | a mob |
chunk | chunk of metal | an item |
circlet | mithril circlet | an item |
con | constitution | a stat |
copper | a copper ring | an item |
crit | critical (hit or cure crit) | a wound [or spell] |
doa | darkened orkish axe | an item |
db | dodging bonus | a stat |
dbs | dark broadsword | an item |
dc | Dark Clump | a place |
DG | Dol Guldur | a place |
dex | dexterity | a stat |
dk | The Dead Knight | a mob |
dmg | damage | an item stat |
DT | Death Trap | a type of place |
DT | Dark Tower | a place |
Dunadan | a Dúnadan blade (or man race) | an item [or race of men] |
ebs | engraved broadsword | an item |
eket | a double edged eket | an item |
engr | engraved | an expression |
emb | embellished longbow | an item |
embr | embroidered | an expression |
eq | equipment | an expression |
er | | a community-site |
exp | experience | an expression |
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:48 2025