When fighting mobs or players in
MUME there is a chance you may inflict or receive wounds if
the blow is forceful enough. The resulting bleeding may subsequently make it
difficult to perform common tasks such as tracking or casting
In increasing order of severity, wounds can be light, deep, serious, grievous or critical. Depending on the severity and location of the wound, the victim may experience temporary loss of hit points, moves, and stats. Light wounds will heal by themselves over time but deep or more severe wounds will bleed profusely. Wounds might even become infected and cause an untimely death when left untreated.
A good bandage
and will make deeper wounds
stop bleeding. Once bandaged, a wound will heal faster. The
conditions of the bandage will deteriorate with time, so
it is a good idea to replace old bandages from time to time.
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:48 2025