This is one of the 5 partial listings of the most commonly used
abbreviations in MUME. See
help abbreviation
for the
rest of the partial lists.
pb | parrying bonus | a stat |
pbs | pale blue stone | an item |
pc | a player character | a mob played by a human |
pelf(s) | an elf(elves) | a race |
per | perception | a stat |
PK | Player Killer/Killing | a kind of player/play |
pkill | to kill another player | a kind of action |
Powerrangers | hardened rangers | mobs |
PPI | The Prancing Pony Inn | a place |
ppl | people | an expression |
PS | Player Stealer/Stealing | a kind of player/play |
psteal | to steal from another player | a kind of action |
r | are | an expression |
Rdell | Rivendell | a city |
remp | remove poison | a spell |
RK | The return of the King | one book of the LoTR |
rl | real life | an expression |
rofl | rolls on the floor laughing | an expression |
rotfl | rolls on the floor laughing | an expression |
roflmao | rofl + my a** off | an expression |
roflmfao | rofl + my f***ing a** off | an expression |
rog | The Balrog | a mob |
rp | role-playing | an expression |
RTF | Road to Fornost | a place |
RtFM | Read the F***ing Manual | a suggestion to lazy people |
RTGH | Road to Grey Havens | a place |
RTT | Road to Tharbad | a place |
ruby | red ruby or ruby ring | items |
sable | a sable pouch (or cloak) | items |
sapphire | a sapphire ring/star sapphire | items |
sbh | strange black helmet | an item or a place |
sd | a stonedoor | a place |
Silm | The Silmarillion | a book of J.R.R. Tolkien |
shining | shining armour | items |
sk | Spirit Knight | a mob |
slender | a slender dagger | an item |
sod | Shadow of Death | an effect your character can have |
sppi | Sign of the Prancing Pony Inn | a place |
sqt | Squaretooth | a mob |
ssc | Small Stream Crossing | a place |
ssm | steel-shafted(mattock/hammer) | an item |
str | strength | a stat |
Tbad | Tharbad | a city |
tbh | to be honest | an expression |
thorn | a sharp thorn | an item |
tmt | Trail meets the Tributary | a place |
tnl | (xp) 'til next level | an expression |
tnx | thanks | an expression |
torc | Tarkhnarb orc | a race |
tower | tower shield | an item |
tp, tps | travel point(s) | a stat |
TT | the Two Towers | one book of the LoTR |
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:35 2024