Your character's death on MUME (except in the case of trolls turned to stone by the sun) does not mean the loss of all gains of the character. You can lose no more than the experience for the last level in case of a mobdeath (in this case, your age also gets reset to your starting age). In case of a pkill death, you lose less experience, but you also lose some warpoints, if you have any. In some other cases (such as deaths in death traps) you lose some travel points instead.
If you did not die to a deathtrap, you may stand a chance at recovering your equipment from your corpse. However, whatever killed you may kill you again if you are not cautious, and other players may also take your items from the corpse. If you are below level 6 and of a good race, you are entitled to a new newbie kit every time you die.
The kind of death a character suffers (mobdeath, pk, other) now depends not only on the immediate cause of the death, but also on the recent encounters of the dying character. Moreover, in case of pk, the code takes into consideration recently met friends and foes - not only those currently in the room.
More precisely:
You suffer pk-death if you die when
*an Enemy*
is present, or soon after you encountered*enemies*
, or soon after you received massive damage from a PC; no matter what the actual cause of death is. This means, if you drown, fall, or get whacked by a mob while escaping*an Enemy*
, it is considered pk death. "Soon" and "while" depend on the specific conditions: on how many enemies you met, on how badly they wounded you, and so on. - Otherwise, you mobdie if a mob or same-side PC finishes you off after a mob severely damaged you. No more mercy-killings.
- Otherwise, it's considered DT/bloodlack/falling/drowning/whatever.
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:47 2025