Specialist guides for pronunciation of individual languages may well follow as part of a overview of each language: Quenya, Sindarin, Adûnaic, Khuzdul, Valarin, Black Speech and Orkish.
The intended purpose of this guide is to help you in pronouncing words that you may well encounter, as well as an aid to choosing an appropriate sounding name for your race.
In the Eldarin languages, stress is indicated by the form of the word, and as a general rule, it applies also in other tongues. Stress is shown here merely by capitalising the vowel in question.In words of two syllables, the stress falls on the first.
Example: Orome
In words of three or more syllables, it falls on the penultimate syllable when that syllable contains a long vowel, a diphthong, or a vowel followed by more than one consonant.
Examples: IsIldur, elentÁri, periAnnath, silIvren
In words of three or more syllables where the penultimate syllable is a short vowel followed by at most one consonant, the stress falls on the syllable before.
Examples: erEssëa (last e short), fËanor, ancAlima, ecthElion, pelArgir
Note that in Sindarin the following should be considered as single consonants: ch, dh, th.
Example: nImbrethil (not nimbrEthil), dEnethor (not denEthor)
Other languages have their own consonant clusters which are treated as single consonants when considering stress, but are not discussed here.
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:35 2024