C always has the value k, even before e or i
Example: celeb is pronounced kEleb
CH only used to represent the sound heard in bach (German) or Loch (Gaelic)
never as in church. A good approximation is KH
Example: Carcharoth is pronounced KARKH-ah-roth (not KARCH-ah-roth)
DH represents the voiced (soft) th of English these (and not thin). Example: Maedhros is MYE-thros (not MAY-thros)
F represents f, except at the end of a word where it represents the v-sound in
English of (ov).
Example: Nindalv is NIN-dalv
G is always the hard-g as in give, get, not the j-sound of gin. Example: Region is REGG-eon (not REE-jen)
H when isolated from other consonants has the sound as in house. Example: Ostoher is OST-o-hair (see ER).
I intially before another vowel has the y-consonantal sound in you (Sindarin
Example: Iant Iaur is YANT YOOR
K has the same value in other
languages as c.
Example: Grishnákh (Orkish) is GRISH-narkh
(not GRISH-narch which rhymes with march)
L more or less the sound of the English initial l in let. However, it was palatalized in the Elven languages when located between e/i and a consonant (or when ending a word after e/i). So the Eldar might have translated (bell, fill, trail) as (beol, fiol, traio)
LH represents voiceless l as in slough(sluf) (better suggestions welcome). In ancient Quenya, this was written HL.
NG is the sound in finger, except finally, where it is the sound in sing. The latter sound also occurs initially in ancient Quenya. Example: Ngwalme as (ung-WAL-mee) later written Nwalme.
PH has the same sound as f as in for.
QU is always used to present kw/cw. It is very common in Quenya but non-existant in Sindarin.
R represents a trilled r in all positions (as in tire), and is not lost in front of consonants (as is the case with part (paht)). In Orkish and Khuzdul, there is also an uvular r, something which Elves found distasteful.
RH represents a voiceless r as in part. It was written HR in Quenya. Example: Dírhavel is Die-HALV-e-o (see L)
S is always voiceless, as in so, geese, never as the z-sound in miser.
SH occuring in Westron, Khuzdul and Orkish represents the sound to sh as in
Example: Shagrat (Orkish) is SHAG-rat (not SHAH-grat).
TH represents the voiceless th as in thin.
Example: Thangorodrim as fan-go-ROD-rim (not than-go-ROD-rim)
TY represents a sound similar to the t in tune.
V has the sound of English v, but is not used finally, being replaced by f (see F).
W has the sound of English w
HW is a voiceless w as in white.
Y is a consonant in Quenya (as in the sound in you) but a vowel in Sindarin.
HY has the same relation to Y as HW has to W. It has a sound like that heard in hew (hyew) and huge (hyugh).
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:35 2024