Q: "I don't understand anything that's going on! Help!"
A: Now that you have successfully created a character, you may still have a hard time understanding the output on your screen. Here are some possible problems and their solutions.
Q: "My screen is scrolling by too quickly. I can't understand anything."
A: You can cut the scroll rate in half by typingcompact
and getting the response, "You
are now in compacted mode." This takes out a lot of blank lines.
Q: "My screen is still scrolling by too quickly. There are a lot of people doing strange things."
A: If you are in the Halls of Mandos still, this sort of thing usually means that there has just been a crash, and the whole gameful of people is arriving there and going to different places in the world by praying.If you are in a town, there may be a lot of activity there at the moment, by coincidence — an expedition assembling, or even a battle going on. Find a quieter location, or just wait until things die down.
Tip: If you can type the
command, you won't see what is going on
around you and can read the help files.
Q: "My screen is scrolling because of narrates and songs etc.
A: If thesenarrates
and sings
are just too confusing
or annoying, you can stop listening to them by typing
listen tales
(which turns
narrates either off or on) or listen
(same thing for songs).
Q: "What are all these people narrating about? They are using abbreviations and sometimes strange languages!"
A: English is the official language of MUME, and the only language allowed on tales/narrate and in titles/whoises, there are many European players who sometimes communicate in other languages. Perhaps you will eventually learn some Swedish here!Secondly, people who have played MUME for a long time often use abbreviations and shortcuts, which have to be learned by experience. They may narrate "bsb forsale" or "free fgc" — these are abbreviations for useful items of equipment. "Trolls at Bend" means that hostile player trolls are at a certain Bend in a certain Road which, experience teaches us, is often a battle site.
help abbreviations
will list many
common abbreviations.
See also: | FAQ, FAQ2, FAQ3, FAQ4, FAQ5 |
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:47 2025