Due to reasons normally beyond anyone's control (well, it is almost always
related to a programming error from our coders, but that's another issue), the
game will occasionally crash, disconnecting everybody. When this happens, all
zones get reset, and all players are
sent to their appropriate starting points. Players of the
good races go to the Halls of
Mandos; Trolls go to the Chamber of the
Trolls, and so on. When you log in again, you will need to
pray back into the game, at which point
any mount you were leading will be recovered by
Be forewarned that all the objects in the game that are hidden, on the ground, in corpses, or carried by mobiles (including mounts), will be lost. (The only exception might be the saddle of your mount, which may be restored if the mount gets recovered by Instamountrecover, but nothing in the saddle or the mount's inventory will be restored.)
Everything in your inventory or equipment will be saved, possibly except some items you obtained shortly before the crash.
There are no reimbursements for any losses (of exp, warpoints, or equipment) caused by crashes.
See also: | REBOOT, SHUTDOWN |
Generated on Wed Jan 29 15:40:48 2025