Logging and capturing screen output is encouraged by the management as it is
often used in reporting bugs, features and disputes
between disagreeing parties. However, please don't post long battle-logs on the
boards as it takes up diskspace. There are some
players who have web sites where you
can download or upload a log-file.
The main sites are:
MUME.NET logs…........
VrAK Homepage…........
Oin's logs…...........
Axel's mume pages…....
NOTE: It is strongly suggested not to reveal the exact statistics of items you identify. Saying that "sword X is slighly better at parrying than sword Y, but you need to be very strong in order to use it efficiently" is acceptable.
Publishing tables of item statistics, either via boards or by web or by any other means, is highly frowned upon by the management. Please refrain from doing so.
See also: | RULES, IDENTIFY |
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:35 2024