Fallohides are taller, slimmer and fairer, and the least common
Hobbit breed. Some have been known grow up to four feet
in height. They are more open to
outside influence and have even been known to occasionally travel.
MUME's Fallohides
MUME's Fallohide Hobbits have several bonuses. These include:
- They always get the full amount of travel points even if they are following someone.
- They provide other adventurers who are following them with the full amount of travel points that they would get if they were not following someone.
- They are well-versed in herbs and herblores. They mix potions and brews with an increased proficiency equal to two herbal kit upgrades.
- When smoking pipe-weed, they will never have a negative experience, and the chance for an especially gratifying experience is increased.
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:36 2024