Chessboards are available for tired adventurers in most inns
and bars.
Look at the chessboard during a game to see where the pieces are. Upper case pieces are white, lower case pieces are black.
To set up the pieces for a new game, type 'setup'.
To move a piece, type move <startsquare> <endsquare>, for example, 'move e2 e4' or 'move e2-e4'.
To place a new piece on the board (for instance when your pawn gets promoted) 'place <piece> <coordinates>' - for instance 'place Q c8'.
To clear away the pieces, type 'clear'.
To take back the previous move, type 'takeback'.
Remember, it's a game - don't kick the chessboard if you lose.
Since chess is a game of passion the colours you choose for shout and yell are used to show the pieces.
Generated on Mon Dec 16 08:26:35 2024